Updating Citrix Security Certificate


You are unable to connect to your Citrix applications such as WebISIS 3 and you are seeing errors such as "Cannot Connect to Server" or You have not chose to trust "InCommon RSA Server CA 2"



You are unable to connect to your Citrix applications such as WebISIS 3 and you are seeing errors such as "Cannot Connect to Server" or You have not chose to trust "InCommon RSA Server CA 2"

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Download the attached InCommonRSAServerCA2.crt certificate file and place it somewhere accessible (Desktop, Downloads, etc...)

For Windows:

Right click the InCommonRSAServerCA2.crt file and click on Install Certificate. If prompted with a security warning, click Open.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

The Certificate Import Wizard should now be open. Make sure you click on Local Machine or Store Location and click next. If prompted to allow changes, click Yes.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

You can leave the next window set to Automatically select the certificate store. Click next and then click Finish. Your certificate is now installed.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Please fully close or exit your Citrix Workspace client and then launch it again. You should now be able to launch your applications. 


For Apple OS:

Double click on the InCommonRSAServerCA2.crt file and your Keychain application should open and ask you if you want to add the certificate.

Change the keychain option from Login to System and then click add. Enter your credentials if prompted. :

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Finally fully close the Citrix Workspace application and launch it again. You should be able to connect now. 




Article ID: 21043
Fri 8/16/24 2:36 PM
Fri 8/16/24 3:58 PM



InCommonRSAServerCA2.crt Computer

Fri 8/16/24 11:37 AM